Author: Amelia Taurisano

Stronger Together

Thanksgiving Day 2020, is bitter-sweet for many of my fellow Americans.   On the one hand, I love this holiday because if you take the non-political route, it is about family and bringing people together. In the time of COVID19 as a country, we are encouraging people to stay home and not travel.   This means that […]

Amelia’s Amazing Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce

When I think of Thanksgiving what comes to mind is turkey. sweet potato pie, sausage stuffing and most of all cranberry sauce. Since 1672, cranberries have been a staple in our Thanksgiving holiday celebration.  The earliest cranberry sauce recipe uses whole raw cranberries and sugar, bringing it to a boil and then simmer until all […]

Fabulous Bone Broth Chicken Soup

From the time that COVID19 entered our lives in the U.S, the most vulnerable have been in the line of fire.  The elderly and health compromised seem to be more susceptible to this deadly virus.  Personally, health wise I have had my own cross to bear. Instead of hiding from it, I decided to confront […]

Empathy and Recovery

Empathy plays a large part in the recovery process.  Once diagnosed with a stroke, the next step for recovery is a rehabilitation facility.   This is a trying time for both patients and family members/caregivers.   Awareness that loss of physical and cognitive abilities is disempowering for the  individual and family members cannot advocate or […]

Road to Recovery

Eating well after a stroke is key to recovery. Choosing healthy foods can help control blood pressure, body weight, reduce a person’s risk of having another stroke, and may help with the demands of stroke therapy and other daily activities. Once a person has had a stroke,  preventing another stroke can be achieved by taking […]

JSU Soundtrack

Music is a proven mood-shifter! Check back for a variety of playlists, videos, and songs chosen by JSU contributors to help you energize, recharge, concentrate, or relax.


We are having a blizzard today where I am, and this is a beautifully moody piece to watch the storm from inside.


Shake off the afternoon doldrums! Literally – get up and shake your blood back into circulation with one of these tunes:

JSU.Health bridges physical rehabilitation, wellness, and personalized treatment to help you JustShowUp for a better Life.


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