Author: Lin Swanson

JSU Book Review

A Cure For Darkness – The Story of Depression and How We Treat It, by Alex Riley, 2021 In 2019, 8% of Americans had been diagnosed with a depressive disorder, and the arrival of the pandemic in 2020 saw a 28% increase in that number. For such a widespread condition, we know surprisingly little about […]

Winter is coming; you need a lentil sack.

Somebody’s feet are always cold in this house. My mom always told me not to go to sleep with an electric heating pad because I’d burn myself, so I needed an alternative. My PT recommended a microwaveable/freezable version but that’s full of some kind of goo, and since I have kids and cats….well, let’s just […]

JSU Soundtrack

Music is a proven mood-shifter! Check back for a variety of playlists, videos, and songs chosen by JSU contributors to help you energize, recharge, concentrate, or relax.


We are having a blizzard today where I am, and this is a beautifully moody piece to watch the storm from inside.


Shake off the afternoon doldrums! Literally – get up and shake your blood back into circulation with one of these tunes:

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