Here’s your daily reminder to stay hydrated / Unsplash Image by Laura Mitulla 

Why it’s so important 

Our brain consists of 73% water. It takes 2% dehydration to affect our attention and  memory. Dehydration Is a Likely Risk Factor for Stroke. 

Dehydration causes a drop-in blood volume and it causes blood – which is primarily  water – to thicken. When we are dehydrated, we feel dizzy and tired. To compensate,  the body constricts blood vessels. 

Dehydration forces the heart to pump thicker blood through constricted blood  vessels, and heart rate climbs as a result. It makes the heart work harder. 

Most of us forget to drink enough water throughout the day. 

Here a few tips to stay hydrated (and not forget it):

1. Drink Some Water When You First Get Up In The Morning 

Some people only drink milk or coffee in the morning but adding at least one glass of  water will help to increase your hydration in the morning. We are often tired in the  morning, because our body is dehydrated. 

2. Carry Water On You At All Times 

Water bottles are cheap to buy and can be carried to work, to school, or whenever  you are away from the house for several hours. Some have marks for reading how  many milliliters or fluid ounces of liquid you have, so that you can keep track of how  much you have been drinking. Anytime you drain your glass or bottle, fill it back up. 

3. Drink Water Before You Get Thirsty – Make It To a Habit 

When you are thirsty, your body signals that it already has a lack of fluid. To stay  hydrated, you should drink water often enough to keep this from happening. As you  age, your thirst receptors will become less effective at sensing your body’s need for  hydration, so it is a good idea to get into the habit of sipping water throughout the day. 

4. Limit Caffeinated, Alcoholic, And Sugary Drinks 

Caffeine and alcohol make your body lose its fluids more rapidly, and sugar in drinks,  even orange juice, is not ideal for hydration purposes. Instead, aim to drink more  water. Even though water may be less tasty or appealing at the outset, it is better for  your body’s overall health. 

5. Set a Reminder On Your Phone – Variety 

Sometimes our days get so busy that we forget to drink. Setting an alarm on your  calendar or a simple reminder (note) can help to remind yourself to drink. What I also  do before starting my work is to bring coffee, juice, water and tea all to my room.  Plain water is the best. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, try adding a slice of  lemon or lime to your drink. 

6. Water Challenge – Visualize It 

Decide the amount of water you want and/or should drink per day. Then, draw every  time a glass of water that you drank on a paper or write it down to track it. Keep  yourself motivated to stay hydrated and visualize it. Challenge yourself how many  cups of water you want to drink at least per day – you will glow even more. 

7. Drink Water Before, During, And After a Workout 

You will need into increase your water consumption the more you work out. Make  sure you drink before, during and after your workout. Hotter temperatures, such as  during hot weather, in a sauna, or even humidified air indoors, require greater water  consumption. Higher altitudes are also more dehydrating.

8. When You’re Feeling Hungry, Drink Water 

Drink one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion and for hydration  (this also helps in diets). Remember not to drink too soon before or after a meal as  the water will dilute the digestive juices. Drink water an hour after the meal to allow  the body to absorb the nutrients. 

Stay hydrated to protect yourself 

Water is a crucial nutrient necessary for optimal daily functioning. Water balance is  precisely regulated within the body and many methods exist for assessing hydration  status. Cognitive performance measures an individual’s attentiveness, critical  thinking skills, memory and prevention of stroke. 

Strokes are caused when blood can’t flow freely to the brain, and they are extremely  dangerous. Lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, exercising regularly and  eating healthy – can all decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease, and they are  important for prevention. Hydration is one of the most important things to consider.  


– Chan, J. (2015). DripDrop. ORS. Dehydration relief fast. 3 Heart-Healthy  Reasons for Adults to Avoid Dehydration. heart-healthy-reasons-for-adults-to-stay-hydrated-1 

– Shaun, K. (2014). PMC. Us National Library of Medcine National Institutes of  Healht. The hydration Equation: Udpate of Water Balance and Cognitive  Performance. 

– Harlow, O. (2020). Analog. A Legacybox. Fun Facts about the brain that will  blow your mind.